Its the time :)

Yeah.i only left a few months and 100+ days from STPM. So nervous!!! Haha.Btw,its time for me to left everythings behind me. Less online, less Running Man , Less sms, Less Facebook-ing, Less twitter-ing etc. So sad :( i have to none up-dated abot my K-pop info hahaxD

p/s: im going to sit for my muet exam on July and November.I scare my speaking paper.My vocabulary not so good and pronouns not properly haha.i admit that xD  No matter how, i will try my best to do that :)

Thats all from me now,

See you guys after 5 months later? :C

Wish me luck and wish all the Form6 students ''All the Best,Friends'' :)

A letter for BigBang ♥

Im going to write a letter to my Idol---BigBang ♥ Actually i wana write in mandarin but i think they cnt read,right? i will use my broken inggeris to write a letter to them..hehe.Hope they will understand what i wrote :D we all know Bigbang alive tour gonna held at Malaysia on 27th October 2012.So sad.i cnt go because i have to sit for my STPM.Non-solution for me to do a decision. skip the exam and fly to KL? Lol~i hope im brave to do that but unluckily im not ;p I had spent my two years in study Form 6 . If now i  give up just for see my idol? stupid im? Maybe this time i lost the chance but i believe i still have the chance to view Bigbang performances as live :D A friend asked me : there are not other chances to see Bigbang in 5 to come to Malaysia.Yeah,i agree with her BUT if they cnt come,i will fly to Korea for seeing them also.haha.

I admit that im not so interested them at first BUT since their 5th mini album''Alive'',i started heard their songs,viewed their every mv and watched their every performances. i found out they always change their costume in every performances and enjoyed the moment.They are awesome!!! I started fall in love for them 

Maybe they are not as handsome as others korean groups but they have their own charming  :D  

G-Dragon is a good leader,rapper,good in producing,and finally HE IS CUTEEEE and COOL!!! 

Taeyang is good in dancing and his soft voice :D

Top is good rapper and his eye is charming , most of my friend like him so much xD

Daesung is good in singing , his voice is like...i duno how to say.haha.but i like his voice too. And his smiling is attractive :)

Seung-ri is funny and active, btw he also cute ;D

As u all can see,which one is i like the most? Hehe..

Eventhough i cnt go there to support u guys but my heart is everytime and everywhere stay wif u guys :) 

P/S : i hope Bigbang can see what i had written here.Please give me some support to courage me and wish me goodluck in my exam :) I really want to see you guys but what can i do? I only can view you guys through the fancam or magazines ;( 

Please come back again next year, I WANT TO MEET YOU!!! hahaxD

No matter how , i believe the VIPs around the world will stay by side with BigBang :)

Ok,tats all. Wish you all the best in ur Alive tour :)

Written by,

Me ♥













真的,我没事 :)



昨天,哥哥,嫂嫂*其实还没结婚和我一起去Jalan Song 的一家小型美容院,其实没认真找,真的很难找到。那里是哥哥女友的朋友介绍的,刚好有promotion所以我们三人同行。去之前,我们去富丽华逛。可能是午餐时间,人少少,逛街挺舒适的,不用人挤人是么的。哈哈~他们买了衣服后,我们便上楼去游戏场。我们看到有个小女孩*其实不小了应该可以说是跟我一样大吧在那里玩娃娃机。哈哈~她手气真好,她不单赢走了一个bear还有两包糖果和几只小熊。啊~看得真羡慕。
我们在那里玩了比赛车还有篮球,我丢进了不知道几粒球了呢;p 真是久违的感觉,太久没玩了:D 逛完新翼后,我们去找吃的了。Sugarbun, SCR, Sushi king 满座,没办法只好去KFC咯!哈哈~在那里我巧遇我的小学生,但我想他应该不记得我是谁了T^T 小孩子真是个没记性的东西 哈哈~


开始做美容前,他会叫你登记先再问些关于你自己的身体状况。问完后,开始穿毛毛鞋*其实是像睡鞋,暖暖的,很舒服* ,进入她为我准备的房间,因为我跟哥哥都是首次做美容,所以我们两个同房间:D  换上她为我准备的睡裙,躺在小床上,灯逐渐暗了下来,感觉来到人间天堂,静静地,开始做美容。起初,她先帮我按摩。*很舒服*  应该是个经验丰富的老手~哈哈!我的眼睛几乎都是闭着的,大开眼时只发现到周围都是暗暗的,有机器声音,有水声,开门声音,没有太大的吵杂声。环境优美,空气也很舒适。躺在床上时,我不敢有太大的动作,只是偶尔舒展筋骨,吞个口水。当她帮我按摩时,感觉有点不知在,但久了就会觉得其实很爽下。哈哈~有好几次我都想笑,但碍于脸上敷面膜,都在忍。每当她帮我做美容,在我脸上涂什么膏,什么霜时,感觉很冰凉,很舒服。她们的手可以说是很柔滑又很巧小,在你脸上按摩,哇~真是舒适。原来做美容是这样的,每次看戏里头的人物都回在做美容时睡着,但我完全没睡到。哈哈~可能是因为我是初级者的关系吧。 





BigBang - Monster

BigBang's Monster was released on 3rd June 2012. The first day after its released already achieved  over 1.9 millions in one day :o yea! im tat reaction when i just starting watching it..This show how big amount of BigBang 's fans ,VIP :) one of them since their 5th album ''Alive'' ..Yesterday when i was watching it again ,the viewer already achieved 2 million something :O And now it already 4++++++ view !!!! That's why now  im going to blogging it to whole around the world ---Its proud to be VIP 

BigBang Special Edition '' Still Alive''

BigBang ''Still Alive'' Gate at Gangnam Station

* i wish our country also have this but i think its impossible :(

G-Dragon ( Leader )

I like his devil horn~so cuteee^^

Taeyang ( the best dancer )

Taeyang  wif his mickey hair :D

TOP ( Rapper )

Handsome face and body fit :D

Daesung ( the vocalist )

Like his voice :D

Seungri ( the youngest )

He is lively and funny :D

Monster MV

Promotional Photos 

BigBang Fighting !!!

VIP Fighting !!!

 BigBang Alive Tour to Malaysia is 27/10/2012 

But so sad i can't go :(

Whatever , we will awaiting for them to come 

We must let them feel  our passion :DDD

WELCOME , BigBang 















