As we know,today is the last day of year 2011.hmmm..it's a wonderful year,never complain since we are still breathing and reading this healthily.felt thankful for everythings tat i had experienced.
after i graduated from my secondary school,i felt so happy.but after i start working,i missed the moment we study at school.we gossip wif teacher,joking each others and solve the problem together.aww..those are the memorable.
after worked for some months,i excited entered my Form6 life.i met new friends,new teachers and new school life.been so hardworking to get the better result b4 ended my Lower6 life.next year im having STPM.well,i wish i can captured all the things tat teacher teach and do alot of practice to get the better result.I hope i can do tat :)
family all safe and healthy.i have nthg to ask for :)))
im still looking forward for a better next year.and for all those other remaining wants,i will work hard to get it myself :D hope i can do well in all subject and enter local uni happily.
12hours later,we gonna having our new year--2012.here,i will like to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to all first :D
tonite im nt going anywhere to countdown because i wana accomany wif my family :) only left few days b4 the school re-open.gonna enjoy my time tonite,can't wait :DDD
tats all for now,

thank you so much,i had lot of experienced this year :)
By ,
TQing ♥